In a distant land, there lived a brave archaeologist named Alex. Alex loved exploring ancient ruins, searching for hidden treasures. One day, while excavating an ancient structure site, Alex made an incredible discovery—a mysterious map that led to a legendary treasure!

Excited, Alex gathered precious samples—ancient coins, pottery shards, and glittering gems. But fate had other plans. As Alex stepped on a loose stone, the ground crumbled beneath, and down Alex tumbled into a deep trench. All the samples were lost! 😱

Now, trapped in the darkness, Alex faced a daunting challenge. But Alex remembered the theme of the adventure: “Start with Nothing.” Determined, Alex decided to escape from the trench and retrieve the lost samples.

Authors : Subburaj  , Ramki , Greejith , Vigneshwaran

Discard: Subburaj-ksrajgame,Ramki-Ram08,Greejith-Greejith,Vigneshwaran-vigneshwar.

Development log


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amazing game. indiana jones ka chota bhai